Click on tabs on the left for more information on Edmonton Central Office
Office Hours
11:am – 2:pm weekdays except Thursday
11:am – 6:pm (all Thursdays except 2nd)
11:am – 7:pm (2nd Thursday only)
Closed weekends and holidays
(780) 424-5900 Phone Service every day till 10:pm
(587) 523-4334 Fax Number
Email: [email protected]
Visit our ECO Nooner meeting – Monday through Friday
See the footer below for Central Office location information
Do you have some time on your hands? Our shifts at Central are 4 hours / once per week. Give us a call if you’d like to help.
Our staff and volunteers monitor the phones, answer and assign 12 Step calls and all other information requests from groups, members and the public. We liaise closely with all service committees.
Volunteers process over 350 “Bridging the Gap” applications yearly.
The meeting directory, which is produced in the office, includes over 500 meetings per week in Edmonton, the surrounding area and northern Alberta. Our interactive online meeting list is updated regularly and the printed lists are done quarterly.
We can create your posters and tickets, advertise in our Newsletter or on the website . We also can sell tickets at the office.
We have Alcoholics Anonymous World Service (AAWS) literature for sale. This includes Big Books, pamphlets, service material and a wide range of other reading material. Our variety of informative stories shared through the Grapevine books and CDs are intended to reflect our membership.
Do your members celebrate milestones in sobriety? Chips 1 to 11 months, year coins from 1 to 55 years, and birthday cards are available. Order your specially designed medallion engraved with your group name, member name, sobriety date and number of years being celebrated. Phone in your order and pick it up at Central office the same week.
Central Office is a vital service that assists us in carrying out our primary purpose of helping the alcoholic who still suffers. What critical services does Central Office provide using group donations?
- Central Office receives hundreds of phone calls each year from people looking for a solution to their drinking problem. There are many people who have found sobriety as a result of these twelve step calls.
- Central Office houses and maintains a web site that provides information on meetings, events, and other valuable information.
- Central Office purchases and distributes literature and medallions to groups within the Edmonton Intergroup area.
- Central Office hosts a noon AA meeting from Monday to Friday.
- Central Office produces a monthly newsletter that informs members of news and events, and contains stories to help the alcoholic who still suffers.
- Central Office provides a physical meeting space for Edmonton Intergroup, the Edmonton General Services Committee (EGSC), and various intergroup committees.
- Central Office maintains and prints meeting lists for groups located in the Edmonton region of Northern Alberta.
- Central Office maintains the “Bridging the Gap Volunteers List” and the “12 Step Calls List”.
- When requested, Central Office sends the requested amount of group donations to the various AA organizations (e.g. GSO, EGSC, Area).
- Central Office stores records from intergroup committees and the AREA 78 archives.
- Central Office provides an outlet for members wanting to volunteer their time in service.
- Central Office makes the Bridging the Gap calls to assist people coming out of treatment centers.
- Central Office is the administrative hub of AA in Edmonton. It maintains financial and administrative records for the Edmonton Central Office Society.
- Central Office provides administrative support for Intergroup and the General Service committees (e.g. photocopying, etc.).
**We require ongoing financial support to maintain these services.
Your financial contributions are appreciated.
* Central Office is supported by contributions from Edmonton area AA groups and the sale of AA literature.